Sunday, August 26, 2007

39 - A Surprise Party Approaches

“Mi-chael. Mi-chael” Alison calls out in a high bright voice, and she breaks into a little trot to catch up with him.
Michael turns and sees the vicar’s wife bobbing breathlessly towards him, her lilac anorak flaring outwards, and her small, mittened hands almost rotating at her sides as she runs.
Michael treats her to one of his best smiles. He likes Alison. Which is to say, he likes how much Alison likes him. “Alison!” He says, as though her sudden appearance is just the tonic he’s been looking for, and his grey-green eyes sparkle under their long lashes in the low afternoon sunlight. Alison is flushed and a little out of breath.
“I thought it was you.” She says, and tries to pulls a hankie from her pocket but it’s bound up with a tangle of keys and dog chews and boiled sweets. Her car keys drop onto the pavement. They both bob forward to pick the keys up, then straighten up, then move forward again. Alison laughs. “Oh gosh! Look at us. Like two Japanese people!” Michael stoops down and picks up the keys and hands them to her.
“There you go.”
“Oh, thankyou.” She wipes her nose.

“I’m glad I’ve bumped into you, actually.” Alison says.
“Oh yes?” They start walking down the High Street together.
“I’m organizing a bit of a surprise party for Douglas. It’s his fiftieth on the 28th. I would have asked you before but I thought you’d be in Gloucester. But then Douglas mentioned you were staying in Tendringhoe for the holidays.”
“I am yes."
"So if you'd like to...?"
"I'd love to, thanks. Anything I can do to help?”
“Oh no. It’s all under control. But thanks for asking.”
“Well let me know.” He nods earnestly. “So what time…?”
“Oh, yes, good point. Seven. And if you can try to get there exactly on time, so we can all get into the dining room before Douglas gets back."
"Ah, so it's a proper surprise party then."
"Oh yes", Alison's eyes glow with the excitement of it all. "He doesn't know a thing about it. The plan is to get all the guests assembled whilst he's picking Christopher up from the station. You’ve met our son Christopher haven’t you?”
“I don’t think so actually”, Michael drops his head reverently to one side, “but I’ve heard a lot about him, of course.”
“Oh well yes.” Alison smiles, her face suddenly filled with pride. “He’ll be down for the holidays. He’s studying medicine at King’s College. Well, you probably know that.”
“That’s right.” Michael says. “You must be very proud.”
“Oh well yes, I am. I’m proud of all my children.”
“And with good reason!” Michael beams.
“As I’m sure your parents are with you!”
“Well.” Michael looks away briefly. “Sure.” He smile tightens very slightly.

Michael’s eye catches a poster in the deli window. “So, have you got your tickets for the panto?”
Alison turns to look at the poster. TADS are putting on Aladdin this year. There’s a photograph of Gordon Green as Widow Twankey.
“Oh absolutely. Gordon will be a riot!”
“Any excuse to dress up in women’s clothing.” Michael says without thinking.
“Oh, well, it’s just a bit of fun.” Alison says hastily.
“That’s what I meant. I mean, he likes to play the fool, I mean, you know…” Michael digs his hands into his pockets and takes a breath. “I mean he’s a natural comedian, isn’t he?.”
“Oh yes, yes. He certainly is.” Alison agrees, as relieved as Michael to be back on safe ground. “Quite the clown, in fact.”

“Well, anyway.” Michael says, sensing they’re nearly done.
“Well I’d best be getting back.” Alison says. “Hungry mouths to feed.”
“Me too.” Says Michael, thinking of Bernt, the Danish scout-leader he met on the train back from London.
“Well, cheerio then.” Alison moves away with a little wave. “See you for Carols on the Quay tomorrow?”
“Oh definitely!”
“Well, good bye then.”
“Good bye Alison.”

Alison bustles away with her neat little steps towards the Vicarage. Michael stops and looks again at the poster: Gordon Green with his big puffed frock, and his false eye-lashes, and his rouge circles pouting primly for the camera. He sniggers to himself. “Daft cock!”

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